Welcome to the New You

Hi, my name is Fraser Jamieson and I’m here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals this year. As a proud winner of the Pure Gym Harbourside PT of the Year Award, I will be delighted to support you in reaching your goals through my energy fuelled Personal Training sessions, clear nutritional advice and inspiring workout programmes. I guarantee it will be fun, challenging and stimulating – that’s when you will see the best results. Who said exercise has to be serious ?

To make the change to a NEW healthier lifestyle Contact me on 07538267027 and we can discuss your requirements.

I have been heavily involved in the sport and exercise community for over 30 years as a PE teacher, rugby player and coach, ultra-runner and endurance cyclist. Adventure is always on the agenda and my two year cycling trip around the world was the biggest adventure of them all. Check out my latest cycling adventure “The South West Beast” on my “Videos” page

4 Reasons You Want A
Personal Trainer

Bespoke programmes designed around your goals

Expert advice means you get the maximum results for your effort

The motivation you need to sustain your efforts and get the results you crave.

Avoid injury and achieve your full potential

A little more
about me 

I am Level 3 Personal Trainer and deliver results through my Running and Cycling coaching, Weight Loss and Nutrition knowledge and holistic Strength and Conditioning plans. I also have a BA Degree in Exercise Psychology and Physiology.

What They Say?

Call me today to book your first session for FREE

Call: 07538 267027